Learn about how we protect your data
Information Security is at the center of Acadia’s business. We continually ensure information, application and data security is maintained to the highest world-class standards and adhere to a strict business continuity plan.
Acadia is ISO 27001 certified which is the only internationally recognized and trusted information security management standard that can be independently certified to cover People, Process and Technology.
Acadia can assure its clients that we systematically examine the organization’s information security risks, taking account of the threats, vulnerabilities and impacts within a standardized process. The certification requires annual audits which are reviewed and governed by independent auditors (ANAB – ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board) and requires adherence by the entire organization.
If you require further information on Acadia’s ISO 27001 certification, please contact your account representative or the Risk team.
For more information, view our dedicated factsheet.