Simplifying uncleared margin rules
UMR Compass
UMR Compass is a collection of resources dedicated to the Uncleared Margin Rules that provides a clear path towards compliance.

Calculating AANA
The first step towards compliance with the regulatory requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives is to determine if your firm is in scope for the rules. Read our guide and find out more about how to calculate your Average Aggregate Notional Amount (AANA).

UMR Phase 6
Whether you need help with your AANA calculation, IM Model Validation, or monitoring your Initial Margin (IM) exposure – Acadia has the tools to assist you. We can provide anything from finding out whether you are in scope and monitoring for threshold breaches to full calculation and exchange of Initial Margin.

UMR Compass Workshop
This two-tiered, tailored workshop offers expert guidance from our team of risk management and quant specialists, assisting clients in navigating our comprehensive compliance resources to identify benefits that cater to their needs.
Book a meeting to discuss your UMR requirements
Acadia's expertise and experience ensures that firms make the right budget allocation decisions for UMR.
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to optimize internal workflow and delegate critical processes.